Where is the main office of the Erie Parking Authority located?
The office is located at 25 East 10th Street on the second floor of the parking garage. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
I need a receipt?
If you were unable to obtain a receipt, they can be accessed online at Get My Receipt | Parkonect.
Are you writing tickets on my street today?
Yes. If you have a parking regulation on your street, it will be enforced Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The holidays that we do not enforce are: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. If any holiday is on a Saturday, the day off will be Friday, if it’s on a Sunday, the day off will be Monday.
What hours are street meters enforced?
Street meters are enforced Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The meters accept U.S. quarters and tokens. Click here for a diagram on proper meter parking.
What hours are off-street metered lots enforced?
Off-street metered lots are enforced 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. The meters accept U.S. quarters and tokens.
How can I report a meter malfunction?
If a meter is malfunctioning an alternative is to use the mobile app, MeterEZ. Search MeterEZ in Google Play and the Apple Store. https://www.meterez.com/app/ If using coins, you can contact our Meter Repair Department at 814-923-2264. Please provide the approximate location, meter number, problem and contact information if required.
In certain residential neighborhoods, when do summer and winter regulations apply?
Summer regulations are enforced Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., April 1st through October 31st. Regulations typically permit parking on the street except for one day each week.
Winter regulations are enforced Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., November 1st through March 31st. Regulations typically permit parking on one side of the street (even/odd days) depending on the days date.
How do I report illegally parked vehicles?
Citizens with complaints can call the Enforcement Department at 814-456-7588 x 1.
Who can I call to determine if there are any parking tickets issued to my vehicle?
Visit, City of Erie Parking Citizen Portal (tocite.net) Or you can call Parking Collections office at the City of Erie at 814-870-1187. You must have your vehicle’s license plate number available.
How can I get a monthly parking permit?
All monthly parking permits are issued at the Erie Parking Authority’s Main Office. Applications are available here.
If I need meters to be removed or bagged for “No Parking”, what do I do?
You can contact the Erie Parking Authority main office where the bags are provided. A daily fee of $10.00 is charged per meter. If a meter is to be permanently removed EPA approval is required and appropriate fees will be applied according to the EPA meter removal policy.
How can I get a handicap parking space by my home?
These are not a guarantee however you can call the City of Erie Traffic Engineer at 814-870-1395.
There is a car parked in front of my house that hasn’t moved in weeks, can anything be done?
Yes, there is a city ordinance that no car can be parked on a city street for longer than 72 hours without moving. Please call the Enforcement Department at 814-456-7588 x1. We will then start a 72 hour check on the vehicle, if it is determined that the vehicle hasn’t moved during the check it will be turned into the Police Department. Time for removal varies and is at the discretion of the Police Department.
Why did I get a ticket for parking in front of my own driveway?
It is unsafe for others particularly pedestrians. You cannot block any driveway in the city of Erie, even your own. Any part of the vehicle impeding into the driveway is subject to a fine.